Alternative Educational Programs for K12 Schools
K12 Support for Alternative Educational Programs enables auto-assignments, customized settings, and streamlined management for alternative classes and subjects.
K12 Support for Alternative Educational Programs enables auto-assignments, customized settings, and streamlined management for alternative classes and subjects.
Automated Student Enrollment: Classter auto-enrolls Students in Groups, Classes, and Subjects based on program status, Grade/Year, Stream, and Group Type for K12 and HE.
Quick Actions Menu Enroll Students to Classes and Subjects: Classter enables bulk student enrollment with filters like Status, Grade, etc.
Academic Period Selection A new feature ensures that when multiple admission periods are active, applicants
Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship and Thesis / Thesis Settings / Enable enrollment
Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship and Thesis / Internship Settings / Enable enrollment
Main Settings / General Settings / Higher Education Customization / Basic Settings / Enrollment history
Main Settings / General Settings / Services Parameters / Basic Settings / Register any activity
Main Settings / General Settings / Basic Customization / Logging / Enable statistical enrollment log
Main Settings / General Settings / Higher Education Customization / Basic Settings / Enable Student