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Useful Links | Parent’s Manual

The useful links menu gives Parent’s access to the Digital Library where documents and assignments uploaded by teachers can be retrieved. To reach this page, go to Useful Links >

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Reporting | Parent’s Manual

From this section, parents can view reports made available by the school, e.g. Certificates, Transcripts, Provisional Results, Letters, etc. and export these reports as Excel spreadsheets, CSV files, PDF, or

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Quizzes/Surveys | Parent’s Manual

Watch the How-to Video The Quizzes/Surveys menu offers parents the opportunity to give feedback on their experience with the institution, administration, teachers and other services. Figure 117 The main page

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Transportation | Parent’s Manual

Watch the How-to Video The transportation section is used to manage the commute of students to and from the institution. You can view the bus details e.g. bus stops, departure

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Requests | Parent’s Manual

Watch the How-to Video From the Requests menu, parents can create requests for financial changes to their children’s school account. They can give consent and are also able to make

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Attendance | Parent’s Manual

Watch the How-to Video The Attendance tab gives parents a comprehensive view of their children’s Attendance records. You can view your children’s presences, delays, absences to their classes, etc. Click

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Progress | Parent’s Manual

Watch the How-to Video From the Progress menu, parents can view their children’s academic progress. Term grades as well as the descriptive marking of the student are available in this

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Student/Parents Meetings | Parent’s Manual

The Students’/Parents’ Meetings tab offers the opportunity for Parents to book meetings with their children’s teachers, to discuss concerns and to get personal updates on the progress of their children.

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Sessions | Parent’s Manual

Watch the How-to Video The Sessions menu offers information on class day by day outcomes, taught material, and assessment requirements. Daily Sessions By clicking on Sessions > Daily Sessions, you

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Academic Data | Parent’s Manual

From this section, you can get an overview of your child’s academic performance/achievements. You will see student marks, assessments, disciplinary actions and comments from the student’s teachers and administrative staff.

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Homework | Parent’s Manual

This section allows you to find what homework and assignments have been assigned to each child for any of their subjects e.g. Mathematics, English, Art etc. The homework can be

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Timetable | Parent’s Manual

Watch the How-to Video The Timetable section allows you to view the days and times when your children have Classes, Sports Activities or Exams (Figure 44). You can also see

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Financial | Parent’s Manual

The financial page of Classter will help you keep track of payments, due dates and will show you the records of past payments. All this you can monitor on the

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User Actions | Parent’s Manual

On the top right corner of the page, you will find the User Actions area with the following Options/Action Buttons: Figure 8 Academic Year Use this option to select an

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Dashboard | Parent’s Manual

Upon successful login, you will be taken to the dashboard. This is the home screen for Classter (Figure 1). Figure 1 On the main page, you have an overview of:

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Teachers | Parent’s Manual

Watch the How-to Video In the Teachers menu, parents can see the images of the children’s teachers and find information on the teachers’ specialty, the subjects they teach and their

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