Allow Teachers to copy homework from previous period even if they weren’t assigned to this Subject
Academic Settings / Sessions & Homework / General Settings / Homework / Basic Settings /
Academic Settings / Sessions & Homework / General Settings / Homework / Basic Settings /
Academic Settings / Sessions & Homework / General Settings / Homework / Basic Settings /
Financial Settings / General Settings / Other Payments Setting / Payments Barcodes / Format Payments
Financial Settings / General Settings / e-Payments / Transaction properties for addressing for Free Value
Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship and Thesis / Internship Settings / Allow Attendance
Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship and Thesis / Internship Settings / Allow Late
Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship and Thesis / Internship Settings / Allow Attendance
Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship and Thesis / Internship & Thesis / Allow
District Management / General Settings / General District Settings / Cross Institute Routes / Allow
District Management / General Settings / General District Setting / Events & Announcements / Allow