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General Settings

Hide comments from Students and Parents

Academic Settings / Attendance Settings / General Settings / Rights & Controls / Hide comments from Students and Parents This is where you specify whether the attendance comments will be

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Overall Unauthorized absences limit

Academic Settings / Attendance Settings / General Settings / Limits Controls / Overall Unauthorized absences limit When Classter has an absence limit control enabled, it will check all absences of

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Overall absence limits

Academic Settings / Attendance Settings / General Settings / Limits Controls / Overall absence limits When Classter has an absence limit control enabled, it will check all absences of each

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Set time period for absences limit control

Academic Settings / Attendance Settings / General Settings / Limits Controls / Set time period for absences limit control When Classter executes a control for the total number of Student’s

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Default Timetable Category for attendance

Academic Settings / Attendance Settings / Attendance Settings / General Settings / Basic Settings / Default Timetable Category for attendance Here you can define a timetable category to be associated

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Enable Fast Attendance Entries

Academic Settings / Attendance Settings / Attendance Settings / General Settings / Basic Settings / Enable Fast Attendance Entries If enabled, then a Fast Attendance option will be visible in

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Default attendance submission method

Academic Settings / Attendance Settings / Attendance Settings / General Settings / Basic Settings / Default attendance submission method There are 5 ways to set Student’s absences: 1) Daily: You

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