Give positive or negative feedback about a child
To add positive or negative feedback about a child, from the main menu go to CRM > Manage Entries. (Figure 1) Figure 1 In the next window, click on “+
To add positive or negative feedback about a child, from the main menu go to CRM > Manage Entries. (Figure 1) Figure 1 In the next window, click on “+
Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Basic Settings / Enable Pointing System This setting lets you choose whether the Pointing System will be visible
Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Basic Settings / Enable Pointing System Functions This settings lets you choose which functions will be visible in
Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Basic Settings / Periods Type This settings defines for which Academic Period the Pointing System will be available,
Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Basic Settings / Active Period Here you select which will be the Active Period for the Pointing System.
Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Calculation of Points / Calculation Type This setting allows you to define the method of calculating the points.
Thumbs Up Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Calculation of Points / Thumbs Up Step Points This is the number of points to be
Presence Points Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Calculation of Points / Presence Points This is the point that will be given for an
Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Calculation of Points / Late Points This is the point to be deducted for lateness. E.g. If 1,
Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Notifications / Enable timeline notification to Parents-Students This setting defines whether the Pointing System will be visible in
Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Notifications / Show Notification to Parents/Students when they reach x points This setting allows you to set from
Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Notifications / Notification custom Message This setting allows you to write a short free text so it will
Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Notifications / Show when points are [Above | Below] This setting allows you to set from which points