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Marking Settings

Template for Teachers

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Assessments & Assignments / Notification on Marking / Template for Teachers   Here, you can define the template for educators when

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Notification Category upon Assignment Submission

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Assessments & Assignments / Assignment Submissions / Notification Category upon Assignment Submission Here, you set the notification category to be notified

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Notify Educators upon Assignment Submissions

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Assessments & Assignments / Assignment Submissions / Notify Educators upon Assignment Submissions   Here, you can choose whether teachers will be

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Recipient Types

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Assessments & Assignments / Notification on Marking / Recipient Types Here, you define who will be the recipients of the notification

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Message Method

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Assessments & Assignments / Notification on Marking / Message Method Here, you define the default message method for notifications that will

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Template for Students

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Assessments & Assignments / Notification on Marking / Template for Students Here, you define the default template for students for notifications

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Default Message Category

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Assessments & Assignments / Notification on Marking / Default Message Category Here, you define the default message category for notifications that

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Max mark value in Synoptic Exam

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Marking / Synoptics / Max mark value in Synoptic Exam In the case there is a synoptic, then you can define

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Enable synoptic examinations

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Synoptics / Marking / Enable synoptic examinations By enabling this setting, Classter will automatically create a new Assessment with Assessment Type

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Save And Publish Allowed User Types

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Marking / Gradebook Marks Locking & Publishing / Save And Publish Allowed User Types Here you define which types (Employee or

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Enable Rich Text Comments

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Marking / Gradebook [Term Marks] Settings / Enable Rich Text Comments This setting allows you to choose whether to enable or

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Gradebook Available Fields

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Marking / Gradebook [Term Marks] Settings / Gradebook Available Fields This setting allows you to define the available fields inthe gradebook

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Academic Decimals Setting

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Marking / Marks Submission Calculation / Academic Decimals Setting This setting allows you to define the default decimals for Academic Related

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Enable Assessment Mark Limit Totals

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Assessments & Assignments / Bulk Assessment Creation / Enable Assessment Mark Limit Totals This setting allows you to define whether the

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Enable Student selection by end users

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Assessments & Assignments / Assessment Workflow / Enable Students selection by end users This setting displays all the Students after completing

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Enable Assessments Workflow

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Assessments & Assignments / Assessment Workflow / Enable Assessments Workflow Classter supports Assessment workflows. You can enable workflows related to: (1)

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Use Assessment Types On Graphs

Main Settings / General Settings / Mobile App / Assessments / Use Assessment Types On Graphs Here you define the assessment types that you want to show up on the

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Default publish state for marked assessments

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Assessments & Assignments / Assessment Marking Configuration / Default publish state for marked assessments This setting controls whether the Publish Marks

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‘Delivery Status’ Preselection

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Assessments & Assignments / Assessment Marking Configuration / “Delivery Status” Preselection Requires you to have Enabled “Delivery Status” indication on Assessments

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CRM Category for Remarks

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Assessments & Assignments / Assessment Marking Configuration / CRM Category for Remarks Here you can define the CRM category to be

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Enable CRM on Assessment Marking

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Assessments & Assignments / Assessment Marking Configuration / Enable CRM on Assessment Marking If you select this option, a new icon

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Maximum number of Assessments & Assignments

Assessments/Assignments per Class and per day   Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Assessments & Assignments / Assessment Checks & Controls / Maximum number of Assessments/Assignments per

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Assessment Type Aliases

New Assessment/Exam Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Assessments & Assignments / New Assessment Configuration / Assessment Type Test Alias Here you can set a new custom

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Hidden Assessment Types

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Assessments & Assignments / New Assessment Configuration / Hidden Assessment Types Define if one of the following assessment types should be

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Show when points are [Above | Below]

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Notifications / Show when points are [Above | Below] This setting allows you to set from which points

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Notification custom Message

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Notifications / Notification custom Message This setting allows you to  write a short free text so it will

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Late Points

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Calculation of Points / Late Points This is the point to be deducted for lateness. E.g. If 1,

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Presence / Absence Points

Presence Points Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Calculation of Points / Presence Points This is the point that will be given for an

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Thumbs Up / Down Step Points

Thumbs Up Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Calculation of Points / Thumbs Up Step Points This is the number of points to be

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Calculation Type

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Calculation of Points / Calculation Type This setting allows you to define the method of calculating the points.

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Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Basic Settings / Badges This setting enables the dropdown list to configure the Badges used in the Pointing

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Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Basic Settings / Periods This setting enabled the dropdown list to configure the Pointing System Periods  

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Active Period

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Basic Settings / Active Period Here you select which will be the Active Period for the Pointing System.

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Periods Type

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Basic Settings / Periods Type This settings defines for which Academic Period the Pointing System will be available,

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Enable Pointing System Functions

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Basic Settings / Enable Pointing System Functions This settings lets you choose which functions will be visible in

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Enable Pointing System

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Pointing System / Basic Settings / Enable Pointing System This setting lets you choose whether the Pointing System will be visible

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Annual Result Scale

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Annual Results / Annual Result Scale Here we define the scale to be used for the Overall Mark that is calculated

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Show scale color in descriptive marking

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / General Academic Settings / Academic Tools & Functions / Show scale color in descriptive marking If you enable this option and

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Enable daily marking

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / General Academic Settings / Academic Tools & Functions / Enable daily marking This option enables the Daily Marking feature. In this

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Descriptive Report Card

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / General Academic Settings / Academic Reports / Descriptive Report Card Here you can define which report will be used in as

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Report Card for term marks

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / General Academic Settings / Academic Reports /Report Card for term marks   Here, you define the report card to be used

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