Thesis – User types allowed to upload availability plan
Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship and Thesis / Thesis Settings / User types
Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship and Thesis / Thesis Settings / User types
Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship and Thesis / Thesis Settings / Users allowed
Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship and Thesis / Internship Settings / User types
Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship and Thesis / Internship Settings / Allowed user
Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship and Thesis / Internship Settings / Allowed user
Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship/Thesis Settings / Internship and Thesis / Internship Settings / Users allowed
Financial Settings / General Settings / e-Payments / Basic Settings / Allowed Payment Method Requires
Financial Settings / General Settings / Transaction Rights & Controls / Basic Settings / Financial
Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Marking / Gradebook Marks Locking &
Main Settings / General Settings / Messaging & Notification/ Teachers Messaging / Allowed Messaging Types