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Attendance Notifications

SMS Template for Presences

Academic Settings / Attendance Settings / Attendance Settings / Attendance Notifications / SMS Settings / SMS Template for Presences This setting allows you to configure the SMS Template for Presences

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SMS Template for Late

Academic Settings / Attendance Settings / Attendance Settings / Attendance Notifications / SMS Settings / SMS Template for Late This setting allows you to configure the SMS Template for Late

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SMS Template for Absences

Academic Settings / Attendance Settings / Attendance Settings / Attendance Notifications / SMS Settings / SMS Template for Absences This setting allows you to configure the SMS template for Absences

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Set Sender Name for SMS

Academic Settings / Attendance Settings / Attendance Settings / Attendance Notifications / SMS Settings / Set Sender Name for SMS This setting allows you to set the sender’s name, which

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Grouping of Notifications

Academic Settings / Attendance Settings / Attendance Settings / Attendance Notifications / Attendance List – Notification Settings (Employees Portal) / Grouping of Notifications Choose how you want to group Notifications

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Send Only One Notification Per Day

Academic Settings / Attendance Settings / Attendance Settings / Attendance Notifications / Auto Notification Settings for Verified Absences (Teacher portal) / Send Only One Notification Per Day Here you select

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Type of Notification to be sent

Academic Settings / Attendance Settings / Attendance Settings / Attendance Notifications / Auto Notification Settings for Verified Absences (Teacher portal) / Type of Notification to be sent Here you can

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Notifications will Be Sent To

Academic Settings / Attendance Settings / Attendance Settings / Attendance Notifications / Basic Settings / Notifications will Be Sent To Here you specify who will be the recipient of the

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Enable Attendance Notifications For

Academic Settings / Attendance Settings / Attendance Settings / Attendance Notifications / Basic Settings / Enable Attendance Notifications For Here you can enable Attendance Notifications For: Absences, Lates, Presence. Classter

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