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Localization Settings

Institute’s Τime Ζone

Main Settings / General Settings / Localization Settings / Time & Days / Institute’s Τime Ζone Here you can select the Institute’s Time Zone . Depending on the region in

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Institute active days

Main Settings / General Settings / Localization Settings / Time & Days / Institute active days Here you define which days of the week an institution works. E.g. Monday ,

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Holidays Configuration

Main Settings / General Settings / Localization Settings / Time & Days / Holidays Configuration Here you can set the days on which the institute is not open and the

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Hidden Languages

Main Settings / General Settings / Localization Settings / Locales & Languages / Hidden Languages Here you can specify which language you do not want to be visible in the

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Default Language

Main Settings / General Settings / Localization Settings / Locales & Languages / Default Language Ηere you can set the default system language that will be displayed when the user

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Address Format Type

Main Settings / General Settings / Localization Settings / Address Format Settings / Address format type Ηere you can set the format that will have any address. Example Setting ->

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Use Custom Post Codes

Main Settings / General Settings / Localization Settings / Address Format Settings / Use custom post codes If this option is selected, then Classter will allow end users to enter

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