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Arrangements Parameters

Show installments with incremental numbering

Financial Settings / General Settings / Arrangements Parameters / Basic Settings / Show installments with incremental numbering If the setting is active then the Installments will be incrementally numbered. Replacement

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Payer per installment

Financial Settings / General Settings / Arrangements Parameters / Basic Settings / Payer per installment When you manage an arrangement and this setting is active then, you can select new

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Default Arrangement Plan

Financial Settings / General Settings / Arrangements Parameters / New Arrangement Settings / Default Arrangement Plan Here you select the default arrangement plan when a financial arrangement is created or

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Round final arrangement amount at

Financial Settings / General Settings / Arrangements Parameters / New Arrangement Settings / Round final arrangement amounts at During the creation of installments in an arrangement, we can choose to

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Enable the option ‘Disable Billing-invoices’

Financial Settings / General Settings / Arrangements Parameters / New Arrangement Settings / Enable the option “Disable Billing/invoices” Select this option if you want to enable the option “Disable Billing/Invoices”

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Readjust Arrangement when changing Student to

Financial Settings / General Settings / Arrangements Parameters / Arrangement Modifications / Readjust Arrangement when changing Student to Here you define for which student statuses the Arrangement Readjust Method will

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