We have introduced a Financial Period dropdown for each installment, allowing users to filter, sort, and manage financial periods across the system. You can now use Financial Periods as column options, filters, and more.
In the images below you can see it the Financial Overview Column Options & Filters.
Administrators can enable the privilege “Allow user to view/edit financial period information for each arrangement”. This privilege allows users to:
- Enable or disable the Financial Period dropdown.
- Make Financial Period selection mandatory.
To manage Financial Periods, navigate to:
Financial Settings > General Settings > Arrangement Parameters > Enable Financial Period selection per arrangement installment.
- The dropdown for Financial Periods becomes visible.
- The system suggests periods based on payment dates, but users can also select periods manually.
- The dropdown is hidden, and no Financial Periods are calculated or suggested.
- The system stores values as “empty.”
Enable and Mandatory:
- The system calculates missing Financial Periods automatically.
- However, if no valid period exists:
- The first available period within the date range is used.
- But if none are found, the system prevents the arrangement or installment from being created and displays an error message.
This setting is configurable in the billing menu and affects Financial Period suggestions system-wide.
When Financial Periods Are Mandatory
1.Bulk Actions
If Financial Periods are missing during mass import or edits, the process halts with an error message: “One or more financial arrangements cannot be created because a financial period is missing. Please review the configurations.”
2.Forms for Individual Arrangements
Missing Financial Periods prevent saving, with a notification: “The financial arrangement cannot be created. A financial period is required for all installments.”
3. Admissions and Registration
- End users do not see Financial Periods during admissions.
- If a mandatory Financial Period cannot be assigned, the arrangement fails to create, with an error message: “One or more financial arrangements could not be created due to missing financial periods. Please contact the school administrator.”
4. Special Cases (Fees and Billing)
- The system does not create arrangements without Financial Periods for application fees or private session billing.
- Processes continue without invalid arrangements.
Scenarios and Outcomes
Mass Creation of Arrangements
- The system logs invalid arrangements and the reasons for failure.
- And if it is mandatory, the process stops for any missing Financial Periods.
Mass Edit of Arrangements
- Edits that recalculate Financial Periods enforce the rules.
- Missing periods trigger errors with clear instructions.
Private Billing or Adding Installments
- Finally, if Financial Periods are mandatory, the system rejects any installment without one.