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Basic Customization

Enable Educational Program Category

Main Settings / General Settings / Basic Customization / Core Entities Settings / Enable Educational Program Category By activating this option, each Educational program is also categorized by a new

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Show Personal Files

Main Settings / General Settings / Basic Customization / Core Entities Settings / Show Personal Files Here you define which users will be able to view the personal files. When

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Editing Entities at the same time

Main Settings / General Settings / Basic Customization / Controls, Filters & Checks / Entities editing at the same time You can select here if Classter is going to forbid

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List full names as Surname/Name

Main Settings / General Settings / Basic Customization / Views & Forms / List full names as “Surname Name” Here you define the formatting of the full name, i.e. whether

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Show information labels in student form

Main Settings / General Settings / Basic Customization / Views & Forms / Show informational labels in Student form This setting changes which information will be displayed next to the

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Configuring Supervisor Mode

Enable Supervisors Mode Main Settings / General Settings / Basic Customization / Supervisors Configuration / Enable Supervisors Mode Here you can enable the Supervisor mode in the Lecturers’ portal. Supervisors

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