Session List – Bulk Actions
The Session List now includes the following Bulk Actions: Edit Classroom: You can edit classrooms
The Session List now includes the following Bulk Actions: Edit Classroom: You can edit classrooms
Main Settings / General Settings / Higher Education Customization / Basic Settings / Additional actions
For each individual application, Classter provides several Actions that can be completed from an employee.
Money Refund Financial Settings / General Settings / General Financial Parameters / Labels for
Actions in Classter are fully configurable so that you can create and insert any kind
For Students and Parents to be able to view a CRM Action, four steps are
CRM Settings / General Settings / CRM Settings / Attendance & Classroom Management / Categories
Classter enables its users to access some functionalities from the quick actions, instead of searching
Academic Year Use this option to select an academic year: Click on the drop-down button
Watch the How-to Video Change Institute Use this option to log in to another