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Internship & Thesis

Maximum number of applications for Thessis or Internship per Student

Apprenticeships – Projects Settings / Apprenticeships – Projects Settings / Apprenticeships and Projects / Apprenticeships & Projects / Maximum number of applications for Projects or Apprenticeships per Student Here, you set the maximum number of student applications you accept for an internship. Example Setting -> 2 When you create a

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Companies that partner with your college/ university are provided with user accounts and can upload jobs which are related to specific institutes and courses. Students who have been enrolled to a program with subjects of the type internship or thesis will be able to apply to available jobs. The companies,

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There are three levels of settings in Internship & Thesis configuration. Companies and Partners Dashboard Setting Internship and Thesis Setting General District Setting   Companies and Partners Dashboard Setting   The first level is the ability of partner companies to log on and add jobs. From the configuration menu, go

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Program Configuration

Programs are configured at the college/ university level. You can have the availability plan at program level. From the configuration menu, go to Main Settings > Educational Programs> Program, select a program and go to the Thesis & Internships tab. (Figure 11)   Figure 11   Max Number of Positions:

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Subject Configuration

To go for internship/thesis, students need to be enrolled in at least one subject of the type of Internship and/ or Thesis. These subjects are then added to the curriculum for the program.   Figure 1  

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Quizzes are used to create the survey forms to be used by the supervisors for the evaluation of the internship. To setup quizzes – survey forms, from the main menu go to Academic Tasks > Quizzes > Quizzes. Figure 15  

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When creating a new company (employer) as a contact, select a category that allows the employer to create jobs. From the main menu, go to Personnel & Contacts> Employees & Contacts Create New> Companies Add a title Select a category Fill in all other necessary fields. Note that fields with

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At the college/ university level, enrol students to the internship subjects. One way to do this is from the Enrolments tab of the student form. Go to Students > Students List. Search for and select a student. In the Enrolments tab, assign the student to subject using either the: Enrol

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Administrator / Supervisor

The administrator/ supervisor can manage and view the internship/job applications. After logging into the portal as an administrator, they can use any of the menu options: Internships Thesis Student’s Internship & Thesis Internships To manage the available jobs/internships, from the main menu go to Internship & Thesis > Internship (Figure

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