Is it possible to enable my applicants to apply for future intakes?
Many educational institutes allow candidates to apply not only for the current or next academic
Many educational institutes allow candidates to apply not only for the current or next academic
Classter supports multiple ways to insert applicants into the platform from external sites, forms, and
In Classter, when you are using the Application Manager, both application and student statuses are
As a back-office employee, you can check whether the applicant/student has answered a consent or
As you might already know, the first step in Classter’s Admission Process is filling in
In Classter, there is a distinct difference between users that are registered as students or
Financial Settings / General Settings / Reductions, Discounts & Loans / Discount Settings / Define
Admission / Admission Settings / Application Management / Application Submission Notification Settings / Application Printout
Admission / Admission Settings / Entrance Marks Settings / Basic Settings / Fetch Applicants files
Admission / Admission Settings / Signup & Applicants Portal / Applicants Portal Messages / Dashboard