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How to enable the applicant’s portal so that applicants can accept or reject an offer?

Updated on January 3, 2025

3 min to read

In Classter, when you are using the Application Manager, both application and student statuses are used, while there are always some basic preconfigured application statuses.

Applicants can see the application status in their portal (Figure 1). In this example, the applicant has submitted an application and can see the application status which is Submitted.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generatedFigure 1


As a back-office employee, you must create or use an already existing provisional status type.

To do that, navigate to the menu: Configuration > Admission > Dropdown lists and select the Application Status Dropdown list. (Figure 2)

Graphical user interface, application, Teams Description automatically generatedFigure 2


Each status has a position order, description, type, colour, and is connected with a Student status. You can also activate or deactivate those statuses. Provisional status is the status that allows the end-user to choose whether to accept the offer or not.

Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated
Figure 3


Click on the Add New/Edit status button and the window in Figure 3 will pop up. Fill in the fields accordingly as described below:

  1. Description: Fill in the description.
  2. Status: Select a student Status. If it doesn’t exist, leave it empty.
  3. Type: Select the Provisional Acceptance type of the application.

If there is no appropriate Student status, you must create one to connect it to the corresponding application status.

Go to CONFIGURATION > Main Settings > Dropdown Lists and select the type of Student and the dropdown list Status.

Click on the corresponding buttons to add a new status or edit one. (Figure 4)

Graphical user interface, table Description automatically generated with medium confidenceFigure 4


The following window will pop up (Figure 5). Fill in the appropriate fields,

  1. Description: This is the name of the status, only back-office employees can see this description.
  2. Status Type: Select admission
  3. Application Type: Select the status you have created in the previous steps.

Graphical user interface, application, email Description automatically generated

Figure 5


Fill in the form and click Save. Now you have configured both Application Status and Student status, which are also connected.

Now an employee needs to change the Student’s status to the one created. To do that, go to MANAGEMENT > Admission > Application Management and select the Student’s application to change the status. By clicking actions, a menu appears. Select change status for this application and a pop-up window will appear. (Figure 6 & 7)

Graphical user interface, application, Word Description automatically generatedFigure 6


Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generatedFigure 7


The Applicant will be able to see the new status and the options of accepting or rejecting the offer in the Application Management menu. (Figure 8)

Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generatedFigure 8


Case 1: Accept Offer

If the Applicant accepts the offer, a warning will appear. The information text in the warning is editable in the admission settings. (Figure 9)

Graphical user interface, application, Teams Description automatically generatedFigure 9


After the acceptance, the status will change as shown in Figure 10. Which status will be selected when a student accepts an offer is a matter of configuration in the settings.

Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generatedFigure 10


Case 2: Reject Offer

If the user rejects the offer, then a window as in Figure 11 appears. Classter will ask the reason of the rejection.

Graphical user interface Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Figure 11


After clicking the “Reject Offer” button, a warning message will appear (Figure 12).

Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

Figure 12


When the applicant rejects an offer, the status of the application will change as in the case of the acceptance. Which status will be selected when a student rejects an offer is a matter of configuration as well. (Figure 13)

Graphical user interface, application, email Description automatically generated

Figure 13


Note: The settings regarding the whole acceptance/rejection process can be found in CONFIGURATION > Admission > Admission Settings > Application Management in the Application Acceptance & Rejection Settings section.

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