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General Admission Settings

Enable Admission For This Institute

Admission / Admission Settings / General Admission Settings / Basic Settings / Enable Admission For This Institute When the setting is enabled and new users visit the admission sign up

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Sign Up URL

Admission / Admission Settings / General Admission Settings / Basic Settings / Sign Up URL Here you can find the Admission Sign Up URL of your institute. Users will be

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User Types that can Apply

Admission / Admission Settings / General Admission Settings / Basic Settings / User Types that can Apply Here you specify the type of users expected to apply through the admission

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Admissions Start Date

Admission / Admission Settings / General Admission Settings / Basic Settings / Admissions Start Date Here you set the opening date of registration for students. If you do not set

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Admissions End Date (Deadline)

Admission / Admission Settings / General Admission Settings / Basic Settings / Admissions End Date (Deadline)   Here you set the expiry date of the registrations. If you do not

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Academic Periods available for Admission

Admission / Admission Settings / General Admission Settings / Basic Settings / Academic Periods available for Admission Here you set the available admission period. For example, if you set the

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Always add applicants in this Location

Admission / Admission Settings / General Admission Settings / Basic Settings / Always add applicants in this Location Always add applicants in this Location independently of the Location that they

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Default Security Role for new Student

Admission / Admission Settings / General Admission Settings / Basic Settings / Default Security Role for new Student It is the role that the student will take when the student

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Allow parent to apply on behalf

Admission / Admission Settings / General Admission Settings / Basic Settings / Allow parent to apply on behalf This setting helps in case you do not have “User Types that

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Notification message for closed Intakes

Admission / Admission Settings / General Admission Settings / Intakes Settings / Notification message for closed Intakes Here you write a text as information for users who try to create

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