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Online Enrollments

Available Student’s status

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Enrollments / Basic Settings / Available Student’s status Here you specify available student statuses which can online enroll in modules. Online enrollment is also

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Template for Service unenrollment

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Enrollments / Online Enrollments – Services / Template for Service unenrollment Here you choose the email template for unenrollment. If you want to add

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Template for Service enrollment

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Enrollments / Online Enrollments – Services / Template for Service enrollment Here you choose the email template for enrollments. If you want to add

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Disable Notifications for services enrollments

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Enrollments / Online Enrollments – Services / Disable Notifications for services enrollments If you select this setting, you will disable notifications for services enrollments

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Allow Services enrollment cancellation

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Enrollments / Online Enrollments – Services / Allow Services enrollment cancellation The setting gives the possibility to cancel the enrollment. Activating the setting displays

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Default status for Units’ enrollments

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Enrollments / Basic Settings / Default status for Units enrollments Here you can define default status for units when users make online enrollments. Use

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Online Enrollments End Date

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Enrollments / Basic Settings / Online Enrollments End Date Here you can define the end date for the online enrollments. Note: If the date

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On-line enrollment Start Date

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Enrollments / Basic Settings / On-line enrollment Start Date   Here you can define start date for the online enrollments. Note: If the date

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Enrollment Period

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Enrollments / Basic Settings / Enrollment Period Here you can select which academic period will be available for enrollments. Example Setting -> Active ->

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