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Online Reregistration

Start date for online re-registrations

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Reregistration / Basic Settings / Start date for online re-registrations Here you can set the start date for online Reregistration. If the start date

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End date for online re-registrations

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Reregistration / Basic Settings / End date for online re-registrations Here you can set the end date for online Reregistration. If the date you

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Allow Students Category Selection

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Reregistration / Online Reregistration Special Settings / Allow Student Category Selection If the setting is active, then the Student category drop down will be

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Enable ReRegistration Comments

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Reregistration / Online Reregistration Special Settings / Enable Re Registration Comments Here you choose if you want the comment box to be visible in

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Available fields Configuration

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Reregistration / Online Reregistration TABs / Available fields Configuration Here you can configure the re-registration form and define which fields will be visible and

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Ask for Personal Data Update

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Reregistration / Online Reregistration TABs / Ask for Personal Data Update If the setting is active then Personal Data tab will be visible and

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Ask for Admission Data

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Reregistration / Online Reregistration TABs / Ask for Admission Data If this setting is active then Admission Data Tab will be visible and editable

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Ask for Consents

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Reregistration / Online Reregistration TABs / Ask for Consents If this setting is active then Terms & Conditions tab will be visible and editable

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Financial TAB default consent text

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Reregistration / Online Reregistration TABs / Financial TAB default consent text Here you can write an abbreviation that will be displayed to the user

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Enable parents’ management in personal data

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Reregistration / Online Reregistration TABs / Enable parents’ management in personal data Select here what sections for entering parent/guardian data will be available. If

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Address Categories Excluded in Reregistration

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Reregistration / Online Reregistration TABs / Address Categories Excluded in Reregistration Here you define address categories that you want to disable in the re-registration

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Enable Unit Enrollments

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Reregistration / Online Reregistration – Enrollments / Enable Unit Enrollments If this setting is active then Enrollments tab will be displayed on reregistration form

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Re-registration non-Eligible message

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Reregistration / Online Reregistration Notifications & Messages / Re-registration non-Eligible message Here you can write a free text as message you want to show

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Central info Message for Re-registrations

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Reregistration / Online Reregistration Notifications & Messages / Central info Message for Re-registrations Write here a central message for the end user. This message

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Success message upon a re-registration event

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Reregistration / Online Reregistration Notifications & Messages / Success message upon a re-registration event Here you can write a free text as information that

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Online Reregistration – Transaction Type

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Reregistration / Online Reregistration – Payments / Transaction Type In case you define an automated transaction creation, here you define the preselected/default transaction type/series.

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Online Reregistration – Payment Method

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Reregistration / Online Reregistration – Payments / Payment Method In case you define an automated transaction creation, here you define the preselected/default payment method.

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Online Reregistration – Payment Account

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Reregistration / Online Reregistration – Payments / Payment Account In case you define an automated transaction creation, here you define the preselected/default payment account.

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Online Reregistration – Type of Reason

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Reregistration / Online Reregistration – Payments / Type of Reason In case you define an automated transaction creation, here you define the preselected/default type

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Online Reregistration – Reason Free Text

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Reregistration / Online Reregistration – Payments / Reason Free Text Here you define the preselected/default payment reason text in case you define an automated

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Ask for Transportation Intentions

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Reregistration / Online Reregistration TABs / Ask for Transportation Intentions If this setting is active then Transportation tab will be visible and editable in

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Enable Re-registration popup for Students

Admission / Admission Settings / Online Reregistration / Online Reregistration Notifications & Messages / Enable Re-registration popup for Students If you enable this, then when a student logs on to

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