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Student Form

Automated Academic Registration Numbering Format

Main Settings/ General Settings/ Student Form/ Default Values /Automated Academic Registration Numbering Format   Here, you can set a specific format for the Academic Registration Numbering of students.   Example

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Method of assigning mentors to Students

Main Settings / General Settings / Student Form / Mentors Settings / Method of assigning mentors to Student Classter provides 2 methods. It will either assign automatically the logged-on user

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Mentors Dropdown- include Employees

Main Settings / General Settings / Student Form / Mentors Settings / Mentors Dropdown: include Employees In this setting you select whether the employee will be included in the list

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Registration Number from previous enrollment

Main Settings / General Settings / Student Form / Educational Program Registration Numbering / Registration Number from previous enrollment If this option is selected, then Classter will check if the

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Max Num of Educational Programs per Student

Main Settings / General Settings / Student Form/ Educational Program Parameters / Max Num of Educational Programs per Student If this setting is active, a student can have multiple Educational

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Coming of age

Main Settings / General Settings / Student Form/ Checks & Controls / Coming of age This setting is used by classter to determine if the applicant is a minor or

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