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Timetable Management

Viewing the Timetable

Teacher View Once the timetable has been published, teachers can login to their portal to view and print the timetable (Figure 74). Login to the teacher portal Go to Calendar

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Timetable Reports

From the Timetable Scheduling and Calendar View windows, you can view, export and print timetable reports. Click on the ‘Reports’ menu (Figure 71). Figure 71 Select a report from the

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Timetable Actions & Constraints

In the Timetable Scheduling and the Calendar View windows, click on the Actions Menu to use the timetable constraints, actions settings, teacher availability and constraints and teacher allocation (Figure 61).

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Advanced Configuration | Timetable

Using the Advanced Configuration, timetables can be imported and exported in excel or XML formats. Advanced Configurations > Mass Imports/Actions > Timetable Figure 23 To import a timetable, follow the

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Functionality of Sub-Location Sub-Location (a.k.a building): Multi-location schools now have the opportunity to designate specific buildings, floors, and classrooms, facilitating the filtering of students, staff, resources, communication, and other related

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Timetable Management

In this section you can schedule and manage your timetable, activate special constraints, and you can also produce printable timetable reports (Figure 24). Management > Academic Tasks > Timetable Figure

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Timetable Configuration

The timetable can be designed to meet each school’s requirement and is related to one or more timetable periods for teachers who teach a specific unit, a group, or classrooms.

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