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General District Settings

Auto activate user account during transfer

District Management / General Settings / General District Settings / Cross Institute Transfers / Auto activate user account during transfer   Here, you define if you want the account of

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Student data to be transferred

District Management / General Settings / General District Settings / Cross Institute Transfers / Student data to be transferred   Here, you define which fields from the Student Form will

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Enable Statistical Educators Evaluation

District Management / General Settings / General District Settings / Statistical Educators Evaluation / Enable Statistical Educators Evaluation   Here, you define whether statistical teachers’ evaluation function will be available

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Auto select Institute using the Location

District Management / General Settings / General District Settings / Cross Institute Transfers / Auto select Institute using the Location When a student is transferred from one institute to another,

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Allow Transfer to Institutes not in Classter

District Management / General Settings / General District Settings / Cross Institute Transfers / Allow Transfer to Institutes not in Classter This setting activates the custom institute function, in case

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Transfer Student to another Institute

District Management / General Settings / General District Settings / Cross Institute Transfers / Transfer Student to another Institute Here you define whether to change the educational program of students

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Transfer Parents

District Management / General Settings / General District Settings / Cross Institute Transfers / Transfer Parents Here you define when transferring a student from one company to another whether the

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Create Master Account

District Management / General Settings / General District Setting / Master Accounts Settings / Create Master Account If enable the Master Account option, then when an entity is transferred to

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Use consents only from admission institute

District Management / General Settings / General District Setting / Basic Settings / Use consents only from admission institute(Only if you use External Admission Institute) This setting specifies whether to

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