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Arrangements and Pricing Plans

Create Payment Methods

To create a new payment method, you need to reach the dropdown List page in the Financial Settings of the Configuration Menu (Figure 1).  Follow the path: Dashboard > Configuration >Financial Settings

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Arrangements – Students List

Select the Arrangements tab (Figure 115). Click on the ‘Manage’ button, at the line of the arrangement. Figure 115 Note: The pricing elements (e.g. grade, group, subject, activity etc.) are

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Arrangement List

At the arrangements list, you can see all the arrangements, or you can use the filters to see specific ones for example activities arrangements only (Figure 69). Figure 69 Select

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Dropdown Lists

In this section you configure the dropdown lists used in the Financial Management module. You will be able to create new Arrangement Plans, Billing Plans and much more. You can

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Arrangement Categories

The Arrangement Category page is the first that is loaded when you click on the Dropdown list menu. Note: This may vary according to your institution’s setup. Figure 6 Here

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Arrangement Plan

Select Arrangement Plan from the dropdown list. On this page you can create and edit arrangement plans that will then be available to users (Admins, Staff, Students or Payers) in

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Billing Plan

Select the Billing Plan option from the dropdown list. On this page you can create and edit Billing Plans that will be used for payments and will be made available

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Create and Edit Billing Reasons

Watch the How-to Video Select the Billing Reasons option from the dropdown list. On this page you can create and edit Billing Reasons that you use for describing the reasons

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Create and Edit Pricing Categories

Watch the How-to Video Select Pricing Categories from the dropdown field. On this page you can add and edit Pricing Categories that will then be available to users (Admins, Staff,

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Create and Edit Tax Categories

Watch the How-to Video Select Tax Categories from the dropdown field. On this page you can add or edit Tax Categories that will contain the Tax codes and percentages. These

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Create Arrangement Parameters

In this section of the manual we will see the settings that govern the configuration of the financial module. To get to this page follow the path: DashboardConfigurationFinancial SettingsGeneral Settings.

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Send Financial Notifications

How can I send a financial notification? The payment of tuition fees can often be delayed, or in some cases forgotten as parents and payers may have a lot on

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What is An Arrangement? How Can I Modify it?

An arrangement is directly connected to your educational institutions’ finances. It mainly refers to the financial agreement between you and your client in order to use your services. In Classter,

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Standing Orders

What is a standing order? A standing order is an instruction to a bank, by an account holder, to make regular fixed payments to a particular person or organization. Why

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