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Message Center | Employee’s Manual

The envelop icon, informs you of the number of unread internal messages, email, SMS, i.e., 3. (Note that any e-Mail or SMS sent by the school’s back office employee to

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Manage & Edit Groups | Employee’s Manual

Select ‘Groups’ from Management Category at the main menu. There are two submenus: ‘Manage’ & ‘Statistics’ (Figure 80). Figure 80 Manage Group Groups can be viewed in Card or Grid

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Add a Student | Employee’s Manual

Create New Student Profile Click on ‘Create New’ to create a new student or click on the ‘Start Adding Student’ button (Figure 122). Note: The Start Adding Student option is

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Student List Actions | Employee’s Manual

Use the ‘Status’ menu to see students according to the select registration status e.g., all or the registered, transferred to another school, inactive ones etc. (Figure 178). Figure 178 Actions

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Edit Student | Employee’s Manual

Preview & Edit Student To view read-only data in the Student Profile, Demographic Data, Enrollments, Financial and Views & Statistics tabs: Click on the student’s Card (Card view) (Figure 167).

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Teacher’s Timetable | Employee Manual

Timetable You can see groups, subjects or activities, days, hours, and rooms the teacher is enrolled in (Figure 245). Figure 245 Select School e.g., Kindergarten school. Select Category e.g. All.

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Create a New Employee | Employee’s Manual

Click on ‘Create New’ button and select the type of contact you want to create i.e., Institute’s Employee, Company that is a student’s payer, Institute’s Supplier, other Institutes (e.g., state

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Marking | Employee’s Manual

Gradebook (Term Marks) You can record or edit students’ marks for the selected group, subject and marking period (Figure 318). Use the filters to show students Record or edit student’s

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Absences | Employee’s Manual

Subjects Absences Use filters to show students (Figure 370). Note: There are 4 available methods of recording absences (or late arrivals). The default method is set by the admin. Figure

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Create & Edit Reports | Employee’s Manual

As an Employee, you can produce, export, and print reports. The available reports are subject to your institute’s configuration.   To start with reporting, navigate to  ‘Reporting’ from the main

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Quick Actions | Employee’s Manual

Use this option to make quick actions. Figure 43 This option will allow you to: Quickly search, edit, or preview Students, Teachers, Relatives and Employees (Figure 44). From the Actions

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Student/Parents Meetings | Employee’s Manual

The Students’/Parents’ Meetings tab offers the opportunity for Parents to book meetings with their children’s teachers, to discuss concerns and to get personal updates on the progress of their children.

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Admission | Employee’s Manual

In this section you can manage admissions applications and users from the Application Management section. You can also view all applicants from all intakes in the Admission Users section. Figure

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Timetable Zones-Sections

Functionality of Timetable Zone/Section Higher education institutes with a broad time schedule can systemize their schedules into morning, afternoon, and evening zones, each offering similar activities such as classes, breaks,

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User Actions | Employee’s Manual

Watch the How-to Video   Change Institute Use this option to log in to another Institute.   Note: This option is available only if there is more than one institute

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