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Enable profile page functionality for the following entries

Updated on June 13, 2024

Main Settings / General Settings / Basic Customization / Core Entities Settings / Enable profile page functionality for the following entries


Here, you can define for which types of users the profile page functionality will be enabled.


Setting -> Students, Classmates

The following card is available for the staff/employees, which contains information about the student. (Figure 1)

The information is either added by the secretariat for the student or added by the student/parent for him/herself/child. (Figure 2 &3)


Figure 1


Below, the student adds information about himself or herself. (Figure 2&3)

Figure 2


Figure 3


Students can also view the above information for their classmates. (Figure 5&6)


Figure 4


Figure 5


Figure 6


Note: To configure page profile templates and rights, go to Main Settings / Dropdown Lists / System -> Profile Page Templates, as shown in Figure 7.


Figure 7


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