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Use companies-employers from cross-district

Updated on May 4, 2022

District Management / General Settings / Apprenticeship & Projects / Basic Settings / Use companies-employers from cross-district

Here you define whether the employers/companies from cross-district institutions will be available in “Employer/Company” dropdown list when you create a new apprenticeship or project.


  • You must select in “Selection of institutes for which employers/companies will be used” setting, the available institutes.
  • There should be customized categories of employers/companies.

To configure categories, go to Main Settings / Dropdown list, as shown below.

You need to create the categories you want carefully selecting “Internship” and the type to be companies

After creating a category, you need to add company. Go to Personnel & Contacts / Employees & Contacts, as shown below

Attention, the company you are adding must have the category you created above selected

The company was created and in the list, you can see the other available companies of this institute

All these companies will be available in the list of employers/companies when you create a new project/apprenticeship


Setting -> Demo College 1 (current institute)

If you want the list to contain only companies of the current institute, then select only the current institute, otherwise whichever institute you select, you will see the corresponding companies/employers in the list.


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