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Teacher Portal

Updated on May 23, 2022

1 min to read

From the teacher portal we can access the library module (Figure 40), where it is possible for the teachers to view all books available in the institute library or view their lending history.

Institute Library

Click on Institute Library menu to view all books available on the school’s book list.

Figure 45

Note: If a book from a No Lending library is in the library list, teachers will be able to Preview the book but not have the option to reserve the book. Teachers will be able to see all files and links that have been added to the book.

Lending History

Click on Lending History menu to view that have been borrowed, reserved or are part of the teacher’s lending history.

Active Loans

In Active Loans, teachers can see books that they have borrowed and are in their possession. Here they will be able to see the Lending Date, Date to Return and Lending Comments (if any). Note that if the return date is left open the Date to Return will be left blank.

Figure 46

Books in Reservation

From the Books in Reservation tab, they can see books that they have reserved and will like to borrow once available. This will show the reservation date and reservation comments (if any). Teachers will be able to cancel reservations.

Figure 47

Lending History

In the Lending History, you can see the details of books that have been returned.

Figure 48


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