This manual provides guidance on utilizing the new features for creating and managing assessments, focusing on the enhancements introduced. The updates streamline bulk assessment creation, allow for advanced session and assessment configuration, and introduce marking scenario-based workflows. These features are designed for back-office users, supervisors, and teachers, enabling efficient and automated assessment processes.
Related Setting
We have added a new option in the Assessment Methods enabled in Bulk Assessment Creation form setting.
Navigate to Academic Settings > Marking Settings > General Settings > Assessments/ Assignments > Bulk Assessment Creation: Assessment Methods enabled in Bulk Assessment Creation form and enable the new option.

- Bulk- create assessments based on a marking scenario: “This option allows teachers and back-office users to bulk-create assessments based on pre-suggested types included in a marking scenario.”
Weekly Session Management
Session creation
For administrators to control this new feature in the Weekly Session Management some requirements must be met.
- Privileges
Only staff with the ‘Create Assessments’ role privilege can create assessments and access related visibility and actions.
2. New Advanced Filters Before Creating a Session
- Auto-create Assessments/Exams: Choose Yes or No (default is No).
- Assessment Type: Select one option; the first option is selected by default.
- Marking Period: Automatically set to the relevant period or the first one in the list.
- Calendar Category: Choose one option; no default is selected.
If Auto-create is Enabled in the above filters:
- An alert-info will be displayed before the creation of the session: “An assessment will be created for all teacher-group-subject combinations with corresponding teacher assignments.” (image below)
- Create assessments for all valid combinations of teacher, group, and subject enrollments.
3. Validation rule
Keep in mind that validation will run if the Enable a Limit for the Number of Assessments/Assignments per Day and/or Week setting is set to Forbidden.
However, an alert-info will be displayed before the creation of the session: “Assessments generated by this process are not subject to daily/weekly limit checks.” (image below)
Edit Session
Allow editing date and time for connected assessments (Session creation) based on user permissions.
Delete Session
Delete Session from associated assessments without deleting the assessments.
Bulk Actions in Session List
Convert Sessions to Assessment Sessions:
- Available for users with Create Assessments and Edit Sessions privileges.
- Display pop-ups with similar options as Weekly Session Management.
Remove Exam/Assessment Connections:
- Remove the link between assessments and sessions (assessments remain intact).
- Display verification message.
Bulk Create Assessments Using a Marking Scenario
Employee Portal
“Bulk create assessments based on a marking scenario” in the Assessment Scheduling section.
Automated creation of multiple assessments for a subject based on its marking scenario.
Available to supervisors, teachers, and back-office users.
Step 1: Select a Marking Period.
Step 2: Validate the marking scenario and associated assessment types.
If no types are found: “No linked assessment types. The process cannot continue.”
Step 3:
Configure New Assessments:
Add rows for distinct assessment types and their group associations.
Define fields:
Date, Time, Title, Max Mark, Weight, etc.
Teacher Portal
Navigate to My {Subjects} > Choose a {Subject} > Actions > “Bulk create assessments based on a marking scenario.”
Follow the same workflow as the Employee’s one.
Step 1:
Select a Marking Period.
Step 2:
Validate the marking scenario and associated assessment types.
If no types are found: “No linked assessment types. The process cannot continue.”
Step 3:
Configure New Assessments:
Add rows for distinct assessment types and their group associations.
Define fields:
Date, Time, Title, Max Mark, Weight, etc. Schedule assessments step-by-step.