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Guide to Configuring Assessment Types

Updated on December 31, 2024

When you create an assessment type, you define the rules and behavior of Assessments like Quizzes, Exams, and Assignments.


Where to Find Assessment Types

To access assessment types, go to Dashboard > Configuration > Academic Settings > Marking Settings > Assessment Types. (Figure 1).

On this page, you see all available assessment types. You can Create New (button), edit or delete an assessment type using the Action button.


Figure 1


Steps to Create a New Assessment Type

Example: Popup Quiz Assessment Type

Navigate to:
Go to Dashboard > Configuration > Academic Settings > Marking Settings > Assessment Types, then click Create New. (Figure 1).


Figure 1a


1. Add Description:
Enter a name for the assessment type, such as “Popup Quiz.”

2. Marking Range:
Select a marking range, for example, Basic (1-20). You can configure marking ranges in Marking Ranges under Marking Settings.

3. Pass Mark:
Enter the minimum grade required to pass (e.g., 10 out of 20).

4. Decimal Type:
Choose how many decimal places will appear in the marks (system default, subject default, or custom).

5. Decimal Places:
If you select Custom, specify the number of decimal places.

6. Type:
Define whether this is an Assessment or a Quiz. For a Popup Quiz, select Quiz


Continuing in Figure 2.


Figure 2


Properties for Assessment Type

  1. Enable Files:
    Select this option to allow file attachments for this assessment type.
  2. Enable Delivery Status:
    This option does not apply to a Quiz assessment type.
  3. Classroom Selection:
    Enable the option to select a classroom for the quiz.
  4. Has Weights:
    Use this option to add marking weights based on the subject’s marking structure.
  5. Student Selection:
    For quizzes, choose Per Class. For other assessment types, select students individually.
  6. Default Calendar Category:
    Choose a calendar category for this assessment type, such as Quiz.
  7. Use Outcomes:
    This option only applies to Assessment types. It allows you to grade students using outcomes from a specific subject’s Criteria Model Scenario. (Figure 2a)
  8. Final Mark from Outcome Can Change:
    Enable this option to allow editing the final mark, even if auto-calculated.
  9. Use Hierarchy of Outcomes (Skills/Outcome Structure):
    Enable this option to create a parent-child structure between outcomes.
  10. Low Level Outcomes Inherit Value from Parent Outcomes:
    Enable this option to allow marks assigned to parent outcomes to automatically apply to their associated lower-level outcomes.
  11. Use Dropdown Value for Marking Low Level Outcomes:
    This option enables you to mark low-level outcomes using a dropdown menu with predefined values.
  12. Anonymous Marking:
    Use anonymous marking to hide student names and display numbers when grading.
  13. Synoptic (Re-sit):
    Enable this option to allow students who previously failed the subject to retake the quiz.
  14. Limit:
    Define any specific limitations or restrictions that apply to the assessment type.


Figure 2a


Continuing in Figure 3


Figure 3


Status Workflows

  1. Exam Status:
    Use this option to track the status of an exam (e.g., scheduled, ongoing, completed) and manage the workflow throughout the exam’s lifecycle.
  2. Content Workflow:
    Teachers with the role of Content Verifier must review and approve the content before the quiz is made available to students.
  3. Mark Reviewer Workflow:
    After the initial teacher assigns marks, a second teacher with the role of Mark Verifier reviews the marks for accuracy before releasing them to students.
  4. Years:
    In this dropdown, select the specific academic years this assessment type applies to. For example, you can choose to make it available only for Year 4 or multiple years.
  5. Disable this Type for the following Subjects:
    After selecting the applicable years, use this dropdown to specify which subjects will not use this particular assessment type. The list of subjects will be filtered based on the selected academic year(s).


Notification Settings:

      6. Send Email Notifications:
The information about choosing whether to send notifications to students, parents, both, or none is captured.

      7. Email Template:
The dropdown selection of templates for email notifications and the creation of templates in the Advanced Configurations page is mentioned.


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