The K12 schools support {Alternative educational program} properties, including features for auto-assignments in the Enroll Students to Classes and Subjects menu and detailed configurations for {Classes} and {Subjects}.
These enhancements allow institutions to easily manage {Alternative educational programs}, including settings, privileges, and terminology customization.
Enroll Students to Classes and Subjects Menu
To enroll {Students} into both main and alternative classes, navigate to: Quick Actions > SPECIAL ACTIONS > Enroll Students to Classes and Subjects > Action > Enroll Students to Main/Alternative Classes and their Subjects.
Customize Terminology
To view or customize the terminology for {Alternative educational programs}, go to: Main Settings > Customize Terminology > Educational Program >
- Alternative Location
- Alternative Stream
- Alternative Main Group
- Alternative Educational Program Indication
To configure {Alternative program} properties, navigate to: General Settings > Student Form > Educational Program Parameters.
Key options to enable:
- Enable Alternative Assignments Menu: Activates the functionality for managing {Alternative assignments}.
- Alternative Main Group Dropdown: Limits options to {Classes} of a specific type for {alternative assignments}.
- Automatically Set an Alternative Main Class: Automatically assigns the first active {Class} based on period, {Year}, and {Stream} during creation.
- Alternative Class by Year/Stream: Select the first active {Class} matching the same {Year} and {Stream} from specific class types.
- Alternative Class by Year/Stream and Zone: Filters and assigns alternative classes based on {Year}, {Stream}, and {Class} zone.
To use advanced filtering and search options, go to: Students > Students List > Advanced Filters > Alternative Main Group, Alternative Stream, Alternative Location, AND Alternative Indicator.
Student Profile Enhancements
To add {Alternative educational program} details to a {Student} profile, go to: Students List > Create Student > Educational Programs > + ADD > Alternative Main Group, Alternative Stream, Alternative Location, AND Alternative Indicator.