We’ve introduced a new feature in the transaction issuing form to improve usability and ensure accuracy when selecting {location}s. This update dynamically filters and displays only the relevant {location}s based on a student’s assignments during the selected period.
Key Settings
{Location}, here {Level}, Filtering Based on Assignments
Navigate to Financial Settings > General settings > Transaction Settings > New Transaction Form Setting > Enable the Return only {level}s related with Student assignments in period.
- When enabled, the form now limits the available {location}s to those associated with the student’s educational programs during the selected period.
- This ensures Backoffice users see only the relevant {location}s, reducing errors and enhancing efficiency.
Arrangement Filtering Logic
Navigate to Financial Settings > General settings > Transaction Settings > New Transaction Form Setting > Enable the Arrangements to be filtered by the selected {Level}.
Once enabled, the system filters arrangements using the following logic based on the selected {location}:
- Linked to a Program with a Specific {Location}: Display arrangements matching the selected {location}.
- Linked to Multiple Programs: Show arrangements matching the student’s main {location} for the period.
- Not Linked to Any Program: These arrangements are always available.
Fallback and Default Options
- If a student has no assigned {location} for the selected period, the system defaults to their main {location}.
- Additionally, the form always includes the primary {location} for reference.
Dynamic Updates with Period Changes
To observe how the changes respond to the settings, navigate to a student’s form and issue a payment receipt.
Whenever you change the academic period, the system instantly refreshes the {location}s. This ensures the dropdown always displays the latest, most relevant information.
Example Scenarios: