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Classter should automatically associate new Arrangements with Educational Programs

Updated on February 26, 2025

< 1 min to read

Financial Settings / General Settings / Arrangements Parameters / Basic Settings / Classter should automatically associate new Arrangements with Educational Programs.

When this setting is enabled, arrangements will associate with the current educational program. Each arrangement that is associated with the current educational program will not be transferred to a different educational program.

If Classter cannot automatically associate the new arrangement with an educational program (e.g., in the case of Services arrangement), then Classter will ask the end user to select the associated educational program.

Example as administrator

Setting -> Active

Arrangements relating to the current educational program

Setting -> Inactive

When you manage an arrangement, appears new multi select field “Student’ Academic Educational Programs” where you select the connection with educational programs

Note: if you want the educational program selection to be mandatory you must activate, setting ” Mandatory connection of financial arrangements with educational programs” in Financial Settings / General Settings / Arrangements Parameters / Basic Settings.

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