Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Assessments & Assignments / New Assessment Configuration / Criteria can be assigned to multiple assessments
Assessments can be associated with multiple marking criteria or outcomes.
In this case the end user does not just provide an assessment overall mark, but he/she should mark each associated criterion.
If this setting is enabled, then any criterion can be associated with multiple assessments.
If it is disabled, a criterion used in one assessment cannot be used by another assessment (of the same Class/Subject per academic year.
Example as Administrator
After filling in all the necessary fields you have to click ”Save” to display the manage criteria button
Click on the ”Manage criteria” button to assign the criteria, as shown below
Setting – > Active
The example demonstrates choosing the Classwork and Homework
In the second assessment you can assign the same criteria that you defined in the first Assessment, as shown below
There are two Assessments below with the same criteria selected
Setting -> Inactive
The example creates a new Assessment and adds a criterion
Classwork and Homework are disabled because they are already being used in another Assessment
To define which aAssessment Type will have criteria, go to Assessment Types in Academic Settings / Marking Settings / Assessment Types
You have to selected the ”Use Outcomes “checkbox
To define which list of criteria will be connected to the Assessment, you have to go in Main Settings / Subjects / List of Subjects / Actions of Subject / Edit > Criteria Model Scenario