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How Can Students and Parents See Enrollments (My Subjects / Courses)

Updated on March 17, 2025

1 min to read


Are you or your Students / Parents wondering why Subjects / Courses are not showing up in My Subjects / My Courses menu ?


For a Student to be able to see his/her Enrolled Subjects, the following steps are required:


Set Subject Status


Path: Main Settings -> Dropdown lists -> Type: Students ->  Dropdown lists: Subject Status

First step is for you to set up according to your institute’s needs, all “Subject Statuses

For a Subject to be visible to Students & Parents, enable the “Online Courses” checkbox (Figure 1)


Figure 1


Setting Category Visibility


Path: Main Settings -> Dropdown lists -> Type: System -> Dropdown lists: Subject Category

Make sure to edit / create the visibility of your Subject Categories accordingly.

By enabling the “Visible in My Subjects” checkbox, Classter will set this Subject Category as visible in Student / Parent dashboard.


Figure 1a


Set Subject Type


Path: Main Settings -> Subjects -> List of Subjects -> Edit / Create a Subject -> General Data

Second step is setting the appropriate Subject type to each of your Subjects, that type is  “Subject” (Figure 2)

Remember to choose a Category with the “Visible in My Subjects” checkbox enabled, as we demonstrated back on Figure 1a

When all fields are correctly filled, click “Save”


Figure 2


Enroll Subjects to Students


Path: Students -> Students List -> Edit / Create a Student -> Enrollments -> Groups & Subjects

Make sure your Students have the appropriate Subject Status (Figure 3). Select the appropriate status that we demonstrated back on Figure 1.

Note: To add a new Group – Subjects, click on the “+ Enroll Groups – Subjects” button



Figure 3


Logged in as a Student


By clicking on “My Subjects” a Student is now able to see all his Enrolled Subjects of the institute’s current Active Academic Period. (Figure 4)


Figure 4



Parents Portal Settings


For a Parent to be able to see his/her children Enrollments you should configure these two settings (Figure 5):


Path: Main Settings -> General Settings -> Student / Parents Portal

  • Hide Enrollments View From Parents / Students -> unchecked
  • Show Subject registration status on parent portal -> checked



Figure 5



Logged in as a Parent


A Parent is now able to see all Student Enrollments by logging in his account and by clicking on the “Enrollments” button. (Figure 6-7)


Figure 6


Figure 7



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