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What is the difference between an announcement and a central announcement?

Updated on January 3, 2025

Announcements in Classter can be created by Teachers, Employees, or Administrators for different reasons to inform users about certain issues.

There are two predefined options under announcement category, Announcement and Central Announcement. (Figure 1)

Figure 1

1. Announcement

The category “Announcement” can be used to create an announcement, which will appear under the announcement-event section on dashboard and in the “announcement reminder” icon which is at the top right at the user’s dashboard. (Figure 2)

Figure 2

2. Central Announcement

The category “Central Announcement” can be used to create an announcement, which will appear centrally at the top of the user’s dashboard. (Figure 3)

This option can be selected only by the Employees/Administrators, and it is usually used to display urgent announcements.

Figure 3


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