The useful links page contains the Digital Library tool which stores documents and assignments placed there by your Teachers.
To reach this page you need to go to Main MenuàUseful LinksàDigital Library (Figure 165).
Figure 165
- In the ‘Home’ section of the page you will see the folders in your Digital Library e.g. My Assignments (Figure 165).
- You are able to Create Folder by clicking on the +Create File button (Figure 165).
- You are able to search for a specific file or folder from the search field by filing in the name of the file or folder and clicking on the looking glass button (Figure 165).
- You can connect to your one drive account if you have created one, by clicking on the Connect to OneDrive button (Figure 165).
- To open a folder, click on it e.g. My Assignments (Figure 165).
- Here you can edit a file or download a file by clicking on the Edit or Download buttons (Figure 166).