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Students per Admission Data Grid | Employee’s Manual

Updated on March 24, 2025

1 min to read


In Classter, the Student per Admission Data Grid provides a centralized view of admission-related Student data and allows users to use different filters including {Location/Level}, {Grade/Year}, {Stream}, {Classes}, {Educational Program Category}, {Student Status}, etc.

Its Advanced Filters help identify students who are missing documents and files. Moreover, users are allowed to enable and use Alternative fields to filter Students, set a Paging limit, or export the fetched Student List to Excel.


Students per Admission Data

Navigate to Student List > View > Student per Admission Data. Specify required values for these filters: {Level}, {Year}, {Stream}, {Classes}, {Student status}, etc.


Note: Educational Program Category filter is visible only if it is enabled General Settings > Basic Customization > Core Entities Settings > Enable Educational Program Category.





Advanced Filters

Click on Advanced Filters option and choose either single or multiple options from the following multiselect dropdown menus:

  1. Filter only Students with Not Submitted document: Identifies Students missing entries for selected admission documents.
  2. Filter only Students with missing Files: Identifies Students who have no associated files for selected documents.


Alternative Fields

Firstly, enable Alternative Fields through General Settings > Student Form > Educational Program Parameters > Enable Alternative assignments setting.



Click Advanced Filters and configure settings for:

  • {Indication}
  • {Alternative Main Group}
  • {Alternative Location}
  • {Alternative Indicator}


Paging Limit

By default, the Paging limit in Students per Admission Data grid is 100 rows per page. However, users can change it to 250, 500, or 1000, clicking on the preferred number.



Export to Excel

From the Export buttons in Table actions, click on Excel to download the current page of Student list in Excel format.

Note: By default, the Export to Excel functionality is restricted to the current page of the grid.

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