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Suggested number of absences per session or timetable is calculated based on the session minutes or the total duration of the timetable slots

Updated on February 13, 2025

< 1 min to read

Academic Settings / Attendance Settings / Attendance Taking / Attendance for Subjects / Suggested number of absences per session or timetable is calculated based on the session minutes or the total duration of the timetable slots

This option is used only if the Attendance Submission method is Per Session or Per Timetable.

If selected the suggested number of absences per session is calculated by the total duration of session.
E.g., if a session, starts at 09.00 and finishes at 10.30, then in this setting is selected, Classter will autosuggest 1.5 hours of absence for a student who is absent.

In case of Per Timetable, the duration will be calculated based on the timetable slots If not selected, it will give a suggestion of 1 absence.


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