Main Settings / General Settings / Higher Education Customization / Basic Settings / Curriculum classifications – inherit the Filters by Educational Program from parent classifications
In the Curriculum, there may be a variety of structures, based on the needs of each Institution.
In some structures, we require multiple groupings, until we are ready to add the subjects inside.
For example:
Moreover, in each Classification / Grouping, there are the ‘Filters by Educational Program’ which are used, in the Online/ Self Enrollments.
In order for Classter to know which group of subjects to have available for each student (based on his/her own year/semester, for example).
If this setting is enabled, then you can add the filters by educational program, only in the ‘parent’ Classifications /Groupings (Only if that applies in the structure).
So, in this case, Mandatory & Optional of Semester 1, will inherit the filters from the ‘Semester 1’Classification / Grouping.
Otherwise, each Classification /Grouping must have its own filter(s).