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Calculate assessments average on term marking based on marking’s period end date

Updated on February 13, 2025

< 1 min to read

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Marking / Marks Submission Calculation / Calculate assessments average on term marking based on marking ‘s period end date

By enabling this option, the auto-calculated mark is being calculated based on all scheduled Assessments prior to marking’s period end date and not based only on current’s marking period Assessments. (i.e., A column that derives each mark from a set of Assessment Types, will be calculated by all Assessments of the given type for the whole academic year.

Term mark period will be not taken in consideration.


1st Term -> 01/09/2021 – 31/12/2021

Setting -> Inactive

01/10/20211st Test1st Term401
22/11/20212nd Test1st Term602
15/01/20213rd Test1st Term803

Average = 40*1+60*2+80*3 = 400 / 6 = 66.6

Setting -> Active

01/10/20211st Test1st Term401
22/11/20212nd Test1st Term602
15/01/20213rd Test1st Term803

Average = 40*1+60*2 = 160 / 3 = 53.33
Because 15/1/2021 is after the end date of the first term


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