Step 1 – Go to the Students list
You have created a new academic period and successfully transferred everything except {students}. To transfer {students} to another academic period, follow this path:
Dashboard > Management > Students > Students List (Figure 3).
Figure 3
Step 2 – Access the “Transfer from Period” Option
On the Students List page, click on the ‘Actions’ menu button at the top. A dropdown menu will appear (Figure 4).
Figure 4
Click on the “Transfer from Period” button (Figure 4). This will take you to the Transfer from Period page (Figure 5).
Figure 5
Step 3 – Configure Transfer Options
On the Transfer from Period page, review the available options to customize the student transfer process.
- Select an Academic Period: Choose the academic period from which you want to transfer students. For example, if you are in Year 2020-2021, you can transfer students from Year 2019-2020.
- From Registrations: Select students based on their current registration status (e.g., Registered).
- To Registrations: Define the new registration status for the transferred students (e.g., from “Registered” to “Candidate”).
- Increase Institute’s Registration Based On: Choose the entity that determines the registration increase, such as Semester, Program, or Specialization.
Transfer Properties
- Enroll {Groups} and {Subjects} to {Students} using {Group} Prerequisites: If enabled, students will be enrolled in the same sections and courses as the previous academic period, based on group prerequisites.
- Enroll {Subjects} to {Students} using {Subject} Prerequisites: If enabled, students will be enrolled in subjects they qualify for based on prerequisite courses completed in the previous period.
- Enroll Main {Group} to {Students} without {Subjects}: If enabled, students will be assigned to their main groups but without specific subjects.
- Transfer Admission Documents: If enabled, students’ admission documents will be transferred along with them.
Registration Number Options
- Do not change {Students’} registration number: Students retain their existing registration number.
- Automatic Register Numbering: Students are assigned a new registration number automatically.
- Set Students’ registration number to zero: All transferred students receive a registration number of zero (for special cases).
Step 4 – Selecting Students for Transfer
Click on the “Add {Students}” button to select the students to transfer (Figure 5). A pop-up window will appear (Figure 6).
Figure 6
Inside the pop-up (Figure 6):
- Use search filters ({Location}, {Program}, {Specialization}) to locate students from the selected period (e.g., Spring 2017-2018).
- Select students manually or click “Select All” to choose all students.
- Click the “Add” button at the bottom of the pop-up (Figure 7).
Figure 7
Once added, the Transfer from Period page will display the selected students (Figure 8).
Figure 8
Managing Student Selection
Removing Students:
- Click the “Remove All” button to clear the entire student list.
- Use the “Remove Selected” option to remove specific students (Figure 8a).
Figure 8a
Bulk Actions Menu:
- Click “Use Custom Values for Transfer” (Figure 8b) to define {Level}, {Grade}, and {Stream} for the transferred students.
- Enter the custom values in the pop-up (Figure 8c) and click “Add”.
Figure 8b
Figure 8c
Step 5 – Completing the Transfer
After confirming your selections, click the “Transfer” button to finalize the process (Figure 8).
General Note: Terms inside {brackets} may vary depending on your institution’s terminology.