Main Settings / General Settings / Student-Parent Portal / Visibility Settings & Rights / Parents Portal – Hide a Student from a parent if the Academic Contact option is not checked
Parents Portal – Hide a Student from a parent if the Academic Contact option is not checked.
To set the parent as a student’s academic contact you need to go to the student list, to the tab of the student you want to edit and switch on the academic contact as shown below.
Student: Franci Grixti
Mother: Moira Grixti
Father: John Grixti
Search the student and then click on Actions and Preview & Edit
Figure 1
In the first tab (Student Profile) scroll down
Figure 2
Student’s Father is Academic Contact but not his Mother
Figure 3
Setting -> Active
In Mother’s portal, Franci Grixti does not appear
Figure 4
In Father’s portal, Fanci appears
Figure 5
Setting -> Inactive
Now it appears on the mother’s portal because it doesn’t matter if she’s in academic contact or not
Figure 6