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Enable date of birth controls

Updated on December 15, 2022

3 min to read

Admission / Admission Settings / Application Management / Date of Birth Controls / Enable date of birth controls


Here, you define whether date of birth controls will be active.

If the setting is enabled, then there are two types of control you can use in the admission process.


The Minimum Allowed Age for the program/year:





The Minimum allowed age for the Application Type:



Important note:

In order for this flow to work, it is required to have the field “Date of birth” open and required in the admission fields.

The control is used in the admission. Admins can always skip these rules.


Control in the program/year

For example:

If we set up a minimum age = 22 in the below Master MBA Program



And the applicant is under 22 based on his date of birth (Date of birth =1/11/2001 – current date 1/11/2022)



If he/she selects this program, then he/she will see a pop-up Warning message (the message is taken from the next info message settings) like below:



Based on the next setting “Security level for date of birth controls”, the system will either allow the user to proceed or not.


Control in the Application Types

The application types are like below:


And based on the Type – they may be available to different users.


  • The type ‘New Applicant’ is available only to completely new users in the system – students who have never been registered in the system. 
  • The type ‘Reapply’ refers to programs that the applicant has applied in the past, but he/she was rejected.
  • The type ‘Program Transfer’ is available to registered students who want to apply for a new program. 
  • The type ‘Progression’ refers to alumni/graduates who want to apply for the next program based on the programs’ requirements
    (for example, MBA Diploma and MBA Master – Diploma is set as pre-requirement for the Master).
  • The type ‘New Program for Alumni’ is available to Alumni/Graduates who want to apply for a new program.


Together with the above rules, the system will also do an age check.

For example, if we set a minimum age of 18 in the application type ‘New Applicant’:



And the new applicant is under 18



And he/she selects this application type, then he/she will see a pop-up Warning message (the message is taken from the next info message settings)



Based on the next setting “Security level for date of birth controls”, the system will either allow the user to proceed or not.



The utility here, is

  1. Either to forbid the applications which do not meet the requirement
  2. Or to create other application types for these cases, in order to be able to differentiate the applications which need a different review.


For example, if you accept students over 18, then during the time of the applications, some students may still be 17, but by the time the programs starts, they will already be 18.

So, they will apply as mature in a different application type where you will set up the minimum age to 17.

Then, you will be able to filter the applications based on the application type:



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