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Minimum number of Students for marking approval

Updated on June 23, 2022

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Assessments & Assignments / Assessment Workflow / Minimum number of Students for marking approval

This setting works in conjunction with the setting named (Define the percentage of assessment result that go for mark reviewing).

If for example you define here 5, then at least 5 Students’ marks should go through mark review assessment.


Let’s say that you define 10% as the percentage of assessment results that go through mark review.

If an Assessment is completed by 20 Students, then only 2 Students’ marks will be reviewed.

If you define 5, then this setting overrides the 10% and Classter will randomly selects 5 Students for mark review.

On the other hand, if an Assessment is completed by 100 Students, then 10% is 10 Students. In this case, Classter will select 10 Students and not just 5.

Requires to have enabled “Enable Assessments Workflow” in Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Assessments & Assignments / Assessment Workflow.


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