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How Do I Upload Files to a Specific Subject and where Can the Files Uploaded be Viewed by Students?

Updated on May 13, 2022

Watch the How-to Video

Files are uploaded by teachers or admins through the “files & links” tab of a specific Subject (Figure1).

Where do you go to upload files?

Follow the path from Admin Portal: Configuration > Main Settings > Education Programs > Subjects > List of Subjects>Select a Subject>Go to “Files & Links” tab (Figure 1).

Follow this path from the Teachers Portal: Dashboard>My Subjects>Edit Subject>Files & Links tab>+File.

Figure 1

To upload a file, you need to click on the “+File” button (Figure 1).

Figure 2

On the “Add File” popup window you can do the following:

  • Select File: Choose a file to upload
  • Category: Choose the category the file you are uploading belongs too e.g Homework.
  • View in: Which users can view the file e.g other teachers, students.
  • Notes: add notes about the file you are uploading.
  • Click on “Save” to save uploaded file.

Now we can see how students can view files that have been uploaded by teachers for specific subjects (Students Portal).

The student needs to go to his profile to view the files.

Follow the path: User Actions bar>My Profile > User Files button.

Figure 3

Once you have clicked on the user files button, you will be transferred to the user files page.

Figure 4

On this page you will be able to see all the files that have been uploaded and are intended for you! The files uploaded by admins or teachers in each subject (subjects the student is enrolled in) will be visible to the student here.


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