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How Can I Find Which Students Had an X Status During an Academic Period?

Updated on January 1, 2025

1 min to read

A student’s status may change from one academic period to the other, from being an applicant to a student and finally alumnus. Classter gives you the opportunity to filter your students by their status during a specific period of time.

Tip: Find out how you can change a student’s status from student to alumni here.

Logged in as an Admin, from the main menu, go to Students→Students List. (Figure 1)

Figure 1

In the next window, from the “View” menu, you need to click on “Students per Educational Program”. (Figure 2)

Figure 2

Here you want to click on “Advanced Filters” option. Among other filters, you will see a field named “Registration History Filtering”. Here you can filter students who had an X status for a specific period of time. From the “Status” dropdown list choose the status you want to apply the filter on (e.g. registered) and then select the Date Range. When you are ready, click on the “Apply” button. (Figure 3) Note: You may also specify your search by faculty, program, degree etc.

Figure 3

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