Here is the first step in setting up your institution. Click on the My Institute tab to begin configuring your Institution (Figure 2).
Configuration > Main Settings > My Institute
Figure 3
On my institute page, you must enter all the relevant information about your institution. Basics such as Name, Address, Country, Logo, etc. (Figure 4).
Note: All fields or options with a red asterisk next to them are mandatory fields or options. If you do not fill them in, you will be unable to save your creations or edits.
On this page, you will see the following options (Figure 4):
- Image Upload: Upload your institution’s logo (Process described at the end of this section).
- Name: Enter your institution’s name, e.g., St. Nicholas.
- Title: Enter your institutional title, e.g., St. Nicholas.
- Description: Enter a description for your institution, e.g., St. Nicholas Primary School.
- Address: Enter your institution’s address, e.g., 55 Same street.
- Address 2: Enter your institution’s alternative address, if applicable.
- Address 3: Enter your institution’s alternative address, if applicable.
- City: Choose your city, e.g., Kavala.
- P.O. Box: Enter your post office box number or choose by clicking on the map button next to the field.
- Email: Enter the institution’s email address, e.g.,
- Phone: Here you can enter your institution’s phone number, e.g., 2106785443.
- Mobile Phone: Here you can enter your institution’s mobile phone number, e.g., 6943750034.
- Fax: Enter your institution’s Fax number, e.g., 2143254456.
- Director: Enter the name of the institution’s director, e.g., Jim Beam.
- Site: Enter the institution’s website address, e.g.,
- Currency: Choose the currency your institution operates with, e.g., Euro.
- Locale: Enter your country, e.g., Greece.
- Admission Authority: Enter the institution or organization responsible for Admissions administration/management.
- Highest NCY (National Curriculum Year): Enter the highest curriculum year, in the case of a K12 School the answer is 12.
- Lowest NYC (National Curriculum Year): Enter the lowest curriculum year, in the case of a K12 School the answer is 1.
- Governance: Enter the organization or ministry that oversees your Academic Institution.
- Geographical Area: Choose your institution’s location/area, e.g., City District 4.
- Ministry ID: Enter the institution’s Ministry ID (if applicable).
- Institute Registration Number: Enter your institution’s registration number.
- Co-education: Enable this switch if your institution is part of multiple groups of institutions and/or you offer education in co-operation with other institutions.
- Enable admission: Turn this switch on to enable the admissions process for this institution. This option enables the Functional Type option.
- Franchise: Enable this switch if your institution is a franchise of another institution.
- Functional Type: This option is enabled when you have turned on the enable admissions switch. By choosing a functional type you define a role for your institution, e.g., Normal or Admission (this makes the institution an admission’s entity for managing applications only).
- Institute Type: Here you may select to enter what type of institution this is, e.g., K12 – General.
- Tax ID: Enter your tax ID.
- Tax Office: Choose the tax office that is responsible for your institution.
Image Upload
Upload your Institution’s Logo (Figure 5):
Figure 5
- Click on the image upload button (pointed out by red arrow), language for this function depends on your windows or other operating system’s language settings (Figure 5).
Figure 6
- Once you have clicked on the upload file button, you will see a popup window asking you to select a file to upload (Figure 6).
- Click on the file you want and then click on the open button (Red arrows). (Figure 6).
- You can see the logo has changed on the page and in the Dashboard (Figure 7).
Figure 7
Once you have filled in the information, you must click on the ‘Save’ button to save the information entered.