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Max mark value in Synoptic Exam

Updated on February 13, 2025

< 1 min to read

Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Marking / Synoptics / Max mark value in Synoptic Exam

In the case there is a synoptic, then you can define that the Student is capped with a max allowed mark.

For example:
You set a cap of 65 and a Subject is being marked from 0 to 100 with a pass mark 51.

If the Student scores 48 then the Student has failed.

In this case the Student is allowed to take a synoptic (i.e., a re-take exam).

Then the Student will be allowed to have a max mark of 65. So, if the Teacher sets 55%, then the Student will get 55%. On the other hand, if the Teacher sets 85% in the synoptic exam, then the Student will get only 65 since that is the value specified.

Requires to have the “Enable synoptic examinations” setting in Academic Settings / Marking Settings / General Settings / Marking / Synoptics enabled.


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