If you want to delete an assessment that is already graded, you need to delete the marks first.
To do that, follow the path: Main Menu > Management > Academic Tasks > Assessments > Assessments Results. (Figure 1)
Figure 1
In the window that appears, select the Marking Period and the Subject. Then click on the “Show” button. (Figure 2)
Now you can select all the marks you want to delete by simply clicking on them. To delete your selections, go to Bulk Actions>Delete Selected. (Figure 3)
Once you have deleted the marks you wanted, you may then be able to delete the assessment.
Now to delete an assessment, follow the main menu go to Academic Tasks > Assessments > Assessments Scheduling. (Figure 4)
Figure 4
You may select specific fields (e.g. Group, Subject, Μarking Period etc.) to focus your search or simply click on the “Search” button to display all assessments. (Figure 5)
Next to each assessment there is an “Actions” menu. Click on the “Actions” menu, then “Delete” to remove the assessment. (Figure 6).